db실행 오류

by SoMa posted Dec 21, 2010
[root@bloram cubrid]# vi /opt/cubrid/log/server/forum_20101221_0104.err
Time: 12/21/10 01:04:35.246 - ERROR *** ERROR CODE = -9, Tran = 3, CLIENT = (unknown):(system)(-1), EID = 1
Unable to format disk volume "/opt/cubrid/databases/forum/forum_lgar017" with 10240 pages (40956 Kbytes) due to insufficient space. Current space available is 0 pages (0 Kbytes).

Time: 12/21/10 01:04:35.246 - FATAL ERROR *** ERROR CODE = -98, Tran = 3, CLIENT = (unknown):(system)(-1), EID = 2
Unable to create archive log "/opt/cubrid/databases/forum/forum_lgar017" to archive pages from 174063 to 184301.

오류내용을 확인해보니 다음과같습니다.

db를 ssh나 매니저로 가동시켜도 같습니다.

위쪽은 매니저

아래쪽은 명령어로 실행한 결과입니다.


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