복제 DB가 생성이 되질 않습니다... 긴급!!

by 닉넴 posted May 27, 2011

STEP 2 : Starting up the server for distributor..
Could not connect to master server on TEST-S
Unable to mount disk volume "/user1/distdb_lgat". The database "/user1/distdb", to which the disk volume belongs, is in use by user test on process 11150 of host TEST-S since Thu May 26 02:08:43 2011.
 << ERROR >> Can't start up the distributor database.#######################################################################
 Stopped by error...
Cannot make connection to master server.



Time: 05/26/11 02:08:43.955 - ERROR *** ERROR CODE = -350, Tran = -1, EID = 1
Error getting local host by name for host "TEST-S". Host not found.


로그보니 이렇게 써있네요


이러한 오류는 무엇인가요??


대체 뭐가 문제인가요..ㅠㅠ 그냥 테스트시엔 너무 잘됬서 실섭에 적용할라니 에러뿜네요... 무슨뜻인가요?


설치디렉토리는 /home/test/CUBRID


distdb 를 설치하려고했던경로는 /user1/입니다.


/dev/hda1              39G  4.9G   32G  14% /
   tmpfs                 4.0G     0  4.0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hdb2             191G   18G  164G  10% /user1


디스크 구조는 이렇구요




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