* 질문 등록 시 다음의 내용을 꼭 기입하여 주세요.
Linux 64bit 등 |
11.2 |
sqlgate |
* CUBRID 응용 오류, SQL 오류 또는 SQL 튜닝 관련된 문의는 반드시 다음의 내용을 추가해 주세요. 비밀글이나 비밀 댓글도 가능합니다.
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-------------- 아래에 질문 사항을 기입해 주세요. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
select *
from cg_reg_info t1 left outer join cg_ers_his t2
on t1.lnd_r = t2.lnd_r
and t1.lnd_no = t2.lnd_no
and t1.app_yr = t2.app_yr
and t1.app_no = t2.app_no
and t1.reg_no = t2.reg_no
and t2.ser_no = (select max(ser_no) from cg_ers_his
where lnd_r = t1.lnd_r and lnd_no = t1.lnd_no
and app_yr= t1.app_yr and app_no = t1.app_no
and reg_no = t1.reg_no
and reg_dt = (select max(reg_dt) from cg_ers_his
where lnd_r = t1.lnd_r and lnd_no = t1.lnd_no
and app_yr= t1.app_yr and app_no = t1.app_no
and reg_no = t1.reg_no)
WHERE t1.app_yr = '2022' AND t1.app_no = '50001'
Cannot use a subquery in join condition clause.
이 부분 지우면 제대로 실행
and t2.ser_no = (select max(ser_no) from cg_ers_his
where lnd_r = t1.lnd_r and lnd_no = t1.lnd_no
and app_yr= t1.app_yr and app_no = t1.app_no
and reg_no = t1.reg_no
and reg_dt = (select max(reg_dt) from cg_ers_his
where lnd_r = t1.lnd_r and lnd_no = t1.lnd_no
and app_yr= t1.app_yr and app_no = t1.app_no
and reg_no = t1.reg_no)
where 절에 서브쿼리가 지원이 안되나요????
select *
from cg_reg_info t1 left outer join cg_ers_his t2
on t1.lnd_r = t2.lnd_r
and t1.lnd_no = t2.lnd_no
and t1.app_yr = t2.app_yr
and t1.app_no = t2.app_no
and t1.reg_no = t2.reg_no
and t2.ser_no IN (1,2
WHERE t1.app_yr = '2022' AND t1.app_no = '50001'
--> 제대로 실행
select *
from cg_reg_info t1 left outer join cg_ers_his t2
on t1.lnd_r = t2.lnd_r
and t1.lnd_no = t2.lnd_no
and t1.app_yr = t2.app_yr
and t1.app_no = t2.app_no
and t1.reg_no = t2.reg_no
and t2.ser_no IN (select ser_no from cg_ers_his a
where a.lnd_r = t1.lnd_r and a.lnd_no = t1.lnd_no
and a.app_yr= t1.app_yr and a.app_no = t1.app_no
and a.reg_no = t1.reg_no
WHERE t1.app_yr = '2022' AND t1.app_no = '50001'
--> 에러, Cannot use a subquery in join condition clause.