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Linux 64bit |
11.2 |
[도움말]-[버전정보] 확인 |
cci c |
* CUBRID 응용 오류, SQL 오류 또는 SQL 튜닝 관련된 문의는 반드시 다음의 내용을 추가해 주세요. 비밀글이나 비밀 댓글도 가능합니다.
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에러 내용 및 재현 방법 | 재현 가능한 Source와 SQL |
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-------------- 아래에 질문 사항을 기입해 주세요. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
db link로 원격테이블 조회시 조건문에 바인딩변수가 필요할듯 한데 어떻게 구현해야할지 샘플 좀 부탁드립니다.
cubrid manual에서 제공하는 샘플에 쿼리문만 수정하여 테스트 해보는데 바인딩시 오류가 발생하더라구요.
// Example to execute a query with a bind variable // In Linux: gcc -o cci_bind cci_bind.c -m64 -I${CUBRID}/cci/include -lnsl ${CUBRID}/cci/lib/libcascci.so -lpthread #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "cas_cci.h" #define BUFSIZE (1024) int main (void) { int con = 0, req = 0, col_count = 0, i, ind; int error; char *data; T_CCI_ERROR cci_error; T_CCI_COL_INFO *col_info; T_CCI_CUBRID_STMT stmt_type; // char *query = "select * from nation where name = ?"; char *query = "SELECT * FROM dblink (remote_srv, 'select code,name,continent,capital from public.nation where name = ?') AS t(code CHAR(3), name VARCHAR(40), continent VARCHAR(10), capital VARCHAR(30))"; char namebuf[128]; //getting a connection handle for a connection with a server con = cci_connect ("localhost", 33000, "demodb", "dba", ""); if (con < 0) { printf ("cannot connect to database\n"); return 1; } //preparing the SQL statement req = cci_prepare (con, query, 0, &cci_error); if (req < 0) { printf ("prepare error: %d, %s\n", cci_error.err_code, cci_error.err_msg); goto handle_error; } //Binding date into a value // 여기서 오류발생함 strcpy (namebuf, "Korea"); error = cci_bind_param (req, 1, CCI_A_TYPE_STR, namebuf, CCI_U_TYPE_STRING, CCI_BIND_PTR); if (error < 0) { printf ("bind_param error: %d ", error); goto handle_error; } //getting column information when the prepared statement is the SELECT query col_info = cci_get_result_info (req, &stmt_type, &col_count); if (col_info == NULL) { printf ("get_result_info error: %d, %s\n", cci_error.err_code, cci_error.err_msg); goto handle_error; } //Executing the prepared SQL statement error = cci_execute (req, 0, 0, &cci_error); if (error < 0) { printf ("execute error: %d, %s\n", cci_error.err_code, cci_error.err_msg); goto handle_error; } //Executing the prepared SQL statement error = cci_execute (req, 0, 0, &cci_error); if (error < 0) { printf ("execute error: %d, %s\n", cci_error.err_code, cci_error.err_msg); goto handle_error; } while (1) { //Moving the cursor to access a specific tuple of results error = cci_cursor (req, 1, CCI_CURSOR_CURRENT, &cci_error); if (error == CCI_ER_NO_MORE_DATA) { break; } if (error < 0) { printf ("cursor error: %d, %s\n", cci_error.err_code, cci_error.err_msg); goto handle_error; } //Fetching the query result into a client buffer error = cci_fetch (req, &cci_error); if (error < 0) { printf ("fetch error: %d, %s\n", cci_error.err_code, cci_error.err_msg); goto handle_error; } for (i = 1; i <= col_count; i++) { //Getting data from the fetched result error = cci_get_data (req, i, CCI_A_TYPE_STR, &data, &ind); if (error < 0) { printf ("get_data error: %d, %d\n", error, i); goto handle_error; } if (ind == -1) { printf ("NULL\t"); } else { printf ("%s\t|", data); } } printf ("\n"); } //Closing the request handle error = cci_close_req_handle (req); if (error < 0) { printf ("close_req_handle error: %d, %s\n", cci_error.err_code, cci_error.err_msg); goto handle_error; } //Disconnecting with the server error = cci_disconnect (con, &cci_error); if (error < 0) { printf ("error: %d, %s\n", cci_error.err_code, cci_error.err_msg); goto handle_error; } return 0; handle_error: if (req > 0) cci_close_req_handle (req); if (con > 0) cci_disconnect (con, &cci_error); return 1; }